
Showing posts from January 10, 2025

The Election of 1960: John F. Kennedy vs. Richard Nixon

Intro:  Hello and welcome back to another edition of the presidential election series as I'll be going over the election of 1960 as Richard Nixon is looking to follow in his predecessor's footsteps but his first gotta get through a fresh faced Senator from Massachusetts who's got money and charisma on his side...let's get into it.  Nixon For President  After eight solid years of Dwight D. Eisenhower as President of the United States, Ike officially became the first commander and chief who was unable to run for re-election following the passing of the 22nd amendment to the Constitution.  With Eisenhower's time in office dwinding down, Vice President and former California Senator, Richard Nixon decided to go after his party's nomination for president, his only real challenger in the early stages was  Governor of New York, Nelson Rockefeller who became the new leader of the 'Eastern Establishment' wing of the Republican Party but he soon dropped out of the ...