10 TNA/Impact Signings That Flopped By Hakeem Fullerton

Intro: In wrestling, signing new stars can be seen as adding a new element to a product that is already doing good or is in desperate need of a reboot. Some signings could end up doing well for themselves or other cases produce great things for the company in regards to matches and an increase in profits and word of mouth from the general public. However, not every wrestling signing works out the way fans, management or even the wrestlers themselves turned out; some could be disappointing, other times they could fail to live up to the expectations that they or company promised. And today will be looking at some of those names who TNA/Impact management signed up and expect great things only to become a massive flop and a waste of time and money. 10. "The Miracle" Mike Bennett Before 2017 onwards Mike Bennett was seen as a big deal; from his success i...