Top 7 "What Ifs" in TNA/ Impact History By Hakeem Fullerton

Intro: Alternate history has always fascinated the minds of many for the sheer fact that people could look at a time or moment in history and speculate on what would have happened it things turned out the other way. This is nothing new to wrestling fans, as many have speculated over the years on how the landscape of pro wrestling would be if certain decisions or storylines would have gone differently:What if Shawn Michaels had joined Scott Hall and Kevin Nash in WCW? What if ECW never did the Sandman Crucifix angle during Sandman's feud with Raven? What if the Finger Poke of Doom Never Happened? and What if Billy Corgan never came at the last second to give Impact the money they needed to run Bound For Glory in 2016? These are just some of the "what if" scenarios that fans have speculated over the years but today I'll talking about seven "What Ifs" that could of change the direction TNA aka Impact Wrestling as wel...