The Election Of 1908: William Howard Taft vs. William Jennings Bryan
Intro: Hello and welcome back to another edition of the presidential election series as will be discussing the election of 1908 as Theodore Roosevelt is stepping away from the oval office in order to have his best friend take his place, but in order for this to happen he'll have to take on a man is looking for one more shot at becoming the president...Let's get into it. Teddy's Out of the Game Since his victory in the 1904 election , Theodore Roosevelt has continued his progressive policies on environmental and consumer protections while also passing into law the Hepburn Act of 1906 which allowed the government to regulate railroad rates that were too high for merchants to afford. Not only that but with the help of Upton Sinclair and his influential book 'The Jungle', Roosevelt passed the Pure and Food Drug Act & the Meat Inspection Act which prevented foods with dangerous chemicals and misleading labels to not be sold or shipped out. After all of this, Roosev...