The Election of 1948: Harry Truman vs. Thomas Dewey vs. Strom Thurmond vs. Henry Wallace
Intro: Hello and welcome to another edition of the presidential election series as I'll be going over the election of 1948 as we have four different candidates running for the high office, a political party divided, a president whose chances to win are silm at best and an ending that some called the greatest upset in presidential election history...So with that all said, let's get into it. Harry Truman: The VP turn Accidental President As we mentioned in the 1944 election article, FDR got re-elected for an unpresented fourth term with Harry S. Truman becoming the 34 th Vice President, however Truman would only serve as VP for only 82 days as Franklin D. Roosevelt would die on April 12 th , 1945 from a cerebral hemorrhage just months into his term. Later that very same day, Truman entered the White House and was sworn in as the 33 rd President in U.S. History with many wondering how this Missouri Senator who never wanted to be vice president could possibly be able to f...