
Showing posts from December 29, 2021

The Election Of 1792: Washington's Re-Elected

Intro: Hello and welcome to another addition of the presidential election articles where I run down all of the U.S. presidential elections and today will be focusing on the election of 1792, where George Washington will become the very first two term President in American history...So with that all said, let's get into it. Background Info  So, as you can see from the map above all of the previous states like that didn't ratify the Constitution in the 1788-89 election have now done so as well as the new states of Vermont and Kentucky who were added into the United States in March of 1791 and June of 1792 respectively.  Despite his reluctances to run for a second term, George Washington was persuaded to run and much like the previous election his victory wasn't in any doubt however, things are little bit more complicated when it comes to the race for the vice presidency. Now before I talk about what's going on with the vice presidency, I think it's important to really...