The Election Of 1840: Martin Van Buren vs. William Henry Harrison
Intro: Hello and welcome back to another edition of the presidential election articles, for today I will be talking about the election of 1840 as incumbent Democratic president, Martin Van Buren is looking for re-election, but he has to go up against the Whig Party's William Henry Harrison in a rematch of sorts from the previous election...So with that all said, let's get into it. Van Buren's Presidential Woes Martin Van Buren won his bid for the presidency in 1836 but fast forward four years later and things are not looking too good for his hopes in getting re-elected. The first problem that Van Buren has been facing as president involves the economy; Now if you remember from the article, I did on the 1832 election you'd know that Andrew Jackson was against the idea of renewing the charter for the Second National Bank believing that the money should go to local banks and even the states themselves. Well by 1837 and onward that decision would come back to bi...