Top 10 Times That WWE Copied TNA/ IMPACT Wrestling
Intro: There's an old saying that goes "Imitation is the Sincerest Form of Flattery", it's often used to describe what happens when a person or group of people take something that has already been made and attempt to recreate it for one reason or another. Professional wrestling is no stranger to this as wrestling fans, critics and the media usually accuse and criticizes other promotions for copying ideas and concepts that were introduced or made public elsewhere only to look like cheap but pale imitations in the process. For much of it's success in the 2000's, TNA (now known as Impact Wresting) was accused of ripping off WWE for a number of concepts. However, just like what happens when any positive news about Impact wrestling is revealed to the public, many tend to forget that Impact themselves have also created original ideas, gimmicks and storylines that have been copied by some of wrestling's greatest promotions, especially in ...