Top 5 Against All Odds Moments In Impact Wrestling

Against All Odds returns to Impact Wrestling for the first time in years on Saturday June 12th at 8pm eastern time on the Impact Plus App. So in honor of the impending event, here are the Top 5 Against All Odds Moments In Impact Wrestling. Before I begin, I should mention that I wouldn't be including any title changes for this list, so don't expect to see Christian Cage's world title win from Against All Odds 2006 on this list. 5. Tomko Turns On Christian Cage (Against All Odds 2008) The history between Christian and Tomko goes all the way back to their days in the WWE when Tomko made his debut interfering in a match between 'Captain Charisma' and Chris Jericho back in 2004, with the big man being the enforcer for Christian whenever things got too out of hand or he needed someone to back him up. This partnership would continue when Tomko headed to TNA in November of 2006 and once again aligned himself with Christian as a member of what would eventually be the 'C...