The Election Of 1932: Franklin D. Roosevelt vs. Herbert Hoover
Intro: Hello and welcome back to another edition of the presidential election series as I'll be going over the election of 1932 as incumbent president Herbert Hoover is attempting to get re-elected but his not only going against a tough Democratic challenger but also an economy that's changed dramatically since the previous election...Let's get into it. The Stock Crash of 1929 After his landslide victory in the 1928 election, President Herbert Hoover was looking to continue that same level of prosperity that had occurred in the previous years, but those ideas were put to rest on October 29th, 1929 when the stock market suffered a massive crash and coupled with other factors like years of deregulation, a sharp decrease of international trade and a disapproiatate amount of wealth being shared signaled the end of the prosperious period known as "The Roaring Twenties" . By the earlier 1930's unemployment had reached somewhere between 23-25% with nume...