Top 10 Third Party Presidential Candidates Who Did Surprisingly Well

Intro: The Democratic and Republican Party have been the two most dominant political groups within the United States as both sides have done everything in their power to ensure that they are the only options the American people have when comes to presidential elections. However, they have been a number of third parties who've made an attempt to run as most of these candidates tend to focus on important issues ignore by the two major parties. Whilst many of these candidates don't stand much of a chance of winning the election, they do end up shocking people by winning not only some of the popular vote but also a few electoral votes as well and in this list I will be mentioning those third party candidates who did far better than most would have expected I'm excluding George Washington from this list because he ran in elections where he was the only candidate, this list will focus on those who ran against multiple challengers in a presidential election. Honorable Mentions...