Top 10 Best Things Done Under The Dixie Carter Regime in Impact Wrestling By Hakeem Fullerton

Intro: Today some in the wrestling community still see Dixie Carter as punch line to a lot jokes regarding the state of TNA (now Impact Wrestling) for much of the 2010's, in fact names like Jim Cornette continue to find time on podcast to throw Dixie under the bus or the occasional images of a crying or sad Dixie will be thrown up on YouTube or social media before captioning it with a LOLTNA. However, a large amount of people in the wrestling world tend to forget that in addition to convincing her family to finance the company all the way into the mid 2010's, Dixie Carter has actually done a lot more good for the company then many like to remember; While Dixie wasn't perfect when it came to the ins and outs of running a wrestling company it's easy to look back now and see that Dixie was less of a moronic villain but more of an unsung hero in the history of TNA/Impact...And today I'll be talking ...