The Election Of 1856: James Buchanan vs. John C. Fremont vs. Millard Fillmore
Intro: Hello and welcome back to another edition of the presidential election articles for today I will be talking about the election of 1856 as the Civil War is getting closer but, first we have another three way race for the presidency...So with that all said, let's get into it. Pierce's Troubled Presidency Franklin Pierce, the incumbent Democratic president was struggling in more ways than one during his four years as commander and chief with the death of his third son weighting heavily on him and his wife, while also having to lead the country at time when it was ripping itself apart over the issue of slavery. By the 1850's, slavery was the biggest issue in the United States and unfortunately Pierce didn't help in stopping this, in fact he made it worse by signing into law two pieces of legislation that would further escalate the conflict: The Kansas-Nebraska Act & The Ostend Manifesto. The Kansas Nebraska Act, which was signed on May 30th, 1854 not only led t...