
The Election of 1964: Lyndon B. Johnson vs. Barry Goldwater

Intro: Hello and welcome back to another edition of the presidential election series as will be discussing the election of 1964, the president is looking for re-election but at the same token the decisions he and his opponent will make in this race will drastically change the landscape of American politics going forward...let's get into it.    The Life and Death of President JFK After winning the 1960 election in a close one, President John F. Kennedy was looking to lead America into a prosperous future, however Kennedy had to deal with foreign conflicts  like the threat of Communism as seen in the failed Bay of Pigs invasion and the Cuban Missile Crisis with latter being the closest America and the Soviet Union ever got to full on nuclear war. Meanwhile back at home, the issue of racism still persisted in the U.S. as the Civil Rights Movement continued to grow in popularity with many African Americans and even White Americans coming together in the fight to have basic ci...

Vice Presidents Who Accidentally Became President Ranked From Worst To Best

  Intro: In the annuals of American history there have been countless presidents who've ascended to the highest office after winning elections but then there are there's guys;  the guys who became president of the United States by accident due to their predecessors either dying or resigning from office and as such these guys were then unintentionally called upon to lead the country in good times and bad. But out these all "accidental presidents" which were the ones who failed to live up to expectations and who were the ones that did more than most expected with their time in office?  Well, today I going to be looking at that as I ranked all of the vice presidents who accidentally became president from worst to best. #9. Andrew Johnson (VP: March-April 1865, President: 1865-69) Unsurprisingly, the presidential lookalike of former Men In Black actor Tommy Lee Jones makes it to the bottom as our 17th president was in charge of the country following the assassination of A...

The Election of 1960: John F. Kennedy vs. Richard Nixon

Intro:  Hello and welcome back to another edition of the presidential election series as I'll be going over the election of 1960 as Richard Nixon is looking to follow in his predecessor's footsteps but his first gotta get through a fresh faced Senator from Massachusetts who's got money and charisma on his side...let's get into it.  Nixon For President  After eight solid years of Dwight D. Eisenhower as President of the United States, Ike officially became the first commander and chief who was unable to run for re-election following the passing of the 22nd amendment to the Constitution.  With Eisenhower's time in office dwinding down, Vice President and former California Senator, Richard Nixon decided to go after his party's nomination for president, his only real challenger in the early stages was  Governor of New York, Nelson Rockefeller who became the new leader of the 'Eastern Establishment' wing of the Republican Party but he soon dropped out of the ...